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Presentación de algunos documentos y estudios relacionados con los fenicios y sus ciudades: poemas, estudios genéticos, investigación ...


Zalloua et autres, identification des traces génétiques des Expansions historiques: Traces phéniciennes en Méditerranée, The American Journal of Human Genetics (2008), doi: 10.1016 / j.ajhg.2008.10.012 (Rapport en Anglais)
Byblos Roman Theatre. Towards A Knowledge - Sharing Space in Interior Design: A Case Study of Roman Theatre Design. By Nada El-Khoury, Lebanese American University.
Langue des phéniciens ma langue libanaise, Dont la lettre est sans voix sous les caveaux plombés, Langue de l’âge d’or, toi qui fus la genèse De tous les alphabets...
Emergency Safeguarding of the World Heritage Site of Byblos. As a result of the recent war against Lebanon (...), the Lebanese coast was partially affected by the oil (...). The cleaning works were first conducted by the Ministry of Environment.

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